文・焦国標 【大紀元日本3月20日】日本の麻生外務大臣が3月14日(13日の誤写―編集者注)付けの米紙ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙で公開した文章「日本は民主の中国を待望する」を読み、非常に感動した。クリントン前大統領とブッシュ大統領が中国訪問する際に発表した談話と比べ、これは隣国として誠意と謙遜の意が溢れる文章で、歴史を感じさせるやさしい心が読み取られ、中共指導者から一度すら感じ取ったことのなく、聴いたこともない中国への深い情が染み出ている。民主国家の政治家は、やはり高い素質の持ち主で、人間性は独裁体制の政治家より遥かに品位がある。独裁体制の政治家は、政治家と称すのも、実際には詐欺や、暴力を濫用するチンピラに過ぎない、人間として有するべく高貴な情操を完全に喪失した。このほど麻生外務大臣は中日の歴史と台湾問題などに関する発言は度々波乱を起こしたが、しかし本編のような人情と道理が溢れ、中共政権の指導者に語りかける傑作文からみれば、外務大臣も多くの日本人と同様に中国に深い感情を持っている。
麻生外務大臣がこの文章を書いたのは決して一時的な思いつきではないと思う。今回、私が日本を訪れる期間中(2月26日から3月15日)、2度にわたり (2月28日と3月13日)日本外務省の官僚と意見を交わした。その際、私は日本政府に対し、中国の人権問題に関心を持ち、この隣国の政治民主化の推進に手助けするよう呼びかけた。しかし、日本の外務官僚によると、実際には、日本政府は長い間中共政権と人権対話を展開するよう努力してきたのだが、その通度中共政権から日本の歴史認識問題が持ち出され、人権問題で中国に圧力をかける資格がないと乱暴に返されたという。
私は日本外務官僚のその話を確信している。中共政権の政治家は理性と良識を完全に失ったと熟知しているからだ。自国の国民の人権を配慮する人の好意に対し、彼らは素直に受け止めずに、感謝もせず、反対に悪事を続け、悔い改めようとしない、暴言を吐きたい放題。これは中共官僚に特有する素性なのだ。人権を関心するのに、先祖代々が公明正大でなければいけないのか? だから私は日本外務省の官僚に、適切な時期に、これまで中共政権に拒否された人権提案を纏め、天下に公表し、国際社会の人々に中共の外交政策がいかに現代文明を拒み、中共の外交官はいかに世界一の愚か者であることを知らせるべきだと提議した。
2006年3月17日 北京
Japan Awaits a Democratic China By TARO ASO
TOKYO -- I am positive on China. Already the biggest trading partner in our history if combined with Hong Kong, China has powered our recent economic recovery. Going forward, our codependence will only become more pronounced. I welcome China’s return to center stage in East Asia -- as long as China evolves into a liberal democracy. And I believe it will.
Democracy in Asia is spreading. Not so long ago, a Japanese prime minister would have to fly south overnight to Canberra to meet our nearest democratic neighbor. Now, he can fly west for only two hours to Seoul, capital of one of the world’s most vibrant democracies.
China’s turn is imminent, and I am positive on the prospects for this evolution. Citizens of Japan, South Korea and Indonesia can all attest that prolonged economic development creates a stable middle class, which in turn provides a springboard for greater political representation. The question is no longer "whether," but "at what speed" China will metamorphose into a fully democratic nation. I can assure our friends in China that Japan is committed to China’s success to that end.
Imagine: In 20 years, China’s influence in Japan will be enormous. Chinese holiday makers, from students to the retired, will be the largest consumers of Japanese tourism, filling favorite tourist spots like Kyoto. Tokyo’s taxi drivers will speak Chinese, not English. China will be one of the largest investors in Japan’s economy. A considerable proportion of the shares traded in Tokyo will rest in Chinese hands. Today, Japanese companies go to New York for investor marketing trips -- soon, they will fly to Shanghai first.
In truth, there is little new or surprising about these scenarios, considering Asia’s historical context. China is not emerging afresh as a world power, as many claim; it is, in fact, reclaiming its historical prominence. My hope is that China recognizes that there is no longer a place for an empire. Rather, the guiding principles in today’s world are global interdependence and the international harmony that can engender.
China’s history is one of extremes. In 1842, the pendulum swung to one extreme when the Qing dynasty was defeated in the Opium War and fell under the coercive power of the West. In 1949, the mainland swung to another extreme, as Mao Zedong ushered in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution -- both now seen as misguided policies. Until recently, the Chinese did not have the luxury of striking a balance between vision and reality, between who they are and who they wish to be.
Crucially, China can learn from Japan’s missteps -- we have "been there, done that." Japan has experienced extreme nationalism twice in the last century. A telling incident occurred in 1964, shortly before the opening of the Tokyo Olympic Games, when a Japanese teenager stabbed Edwin O. Reischauer, then American ambassador to Japan. At the time, Japanese emotions still ran high at the thought of U.S. power and influence. Beijing’s leaders can learn from such Japanese experiences to better manage their own rising nationalism. Environmental degradation, which suffocated Japan in the 1960s and 1970s, is another area where China can learn from Japan’s mistakes, just as we hope China is also inspired by our successes.
In terms of military presence, Japan is Asia’s natural stabilizer. The U.S. and Japan have the world’s longest-standing security partnership. It is transparent and a relationship between two democracies. Acting alone, the Japanese or the Americans might raise a few eyebrows; acting together, there is no room for misunderstanding. China and every other Asian nation can continue to count on the built-in stabilizer provided jointly by Japan and America, a common good that is readily available to Beijing. Hence my request that Beijing fully disclose its defense spending, which has remained opaque yet -- as Beijing admits -- has more than trebled over the last 10 years.
A final reflection on Japan’s post-war record: I can say with confidence that, with a few exceptions, Japan has conducted itself openly and treated neighboring nations as peers. As a self-proclaimed "techie," I have called the attitude that Japan has shown toward its neighboring nations one of "P2P," or peer-to-peer relations.
I would like these thoughts to resonate widely, especially with the citizens of China. For this reason, I have asked my colleagues at the Japanese Foreign Ministry to create a multi-year student-exchange program that is absolutely positive, like my vision of China’s future.
I would very much like Japan’s youth to look warmly at China. The growth of China must hinder no one’s interests. Our new program will facilitate the exchange of thousands of Japanese and Chinese high school students, enabling these young ambassadors to stay in ordinary homes in each other’s nations and planting the seeds of mutual understanding. If our program is successful, in 20 years’ time Japanese men and women with first-hand knowledge of China will view the Chinese among their closest friends. And many more Chinese will feel the same about Japan.
(06/03/21 08:42)